Titan Solar Power Supports The Bridge for North Texas Giving Day

Titan Solar Power donation.

The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center is once again participating in North Texas Giving Day on Thursday, September 22. This year, Titan Solar Power is providing support for homeless recovery services through a very generous $40,000 matching gift. Titan is also providing an additional $35,000 in support of essential homeless recovery services.

“We are grateful to Titan Solar Power for their deep commitment to our homeless recovery services and programs here in Dallas,” said Amy Jane, Chief Development Officer of The Bridge.

North Texas Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation. Since its inception in 2009, this online event has transformed from an idea to help local people give wisely, to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. During North Texas Giving Day, everyone has the opportunity to be a philanthropist to build a stronger and more vibrant community.

Click on the video below to learn more about our ongoing partnership with Titan Solar Power.

Do you need help overcoming life's challenges?

We offer Day and Night Shelter

  • Meals, Hygiene, Storage, Laundry, Mail, Phones, Barbershop, and Canine Kennel
  • Physical Care, Mental Illness, Services, and Chemical Dependency Help
  • Care Management and Counseling Services
  • Education, Employment, and Income/Benefits Assistance
  • Housing Placement Solutions and Follow-Up Services
  • Criminal Justice Support, and Veteran Services
  • Library, Computer Access, and Art Programs

To be eligible for services at The Bridge, an individual must be homeless, 18 years of age or older.

Government IDs, background checks, and sobriety checks are not required to engage services at The Bridge. Identification is not a requirement to go through an Intake/Triage Assessment and receive services at The Bridge.

Day Shelter Services
6:00AM – 5:00PM

Night Shelter Services
5:00PM – 6:00AM

Guest Intake
(214) 670-1507

7:30AM to 8:30AM

2:00PM to 1:00PM

6:00PM to 7:00PM