Coronavirus and the Minority Community

According to the CDC, racial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately affected by the Coronavirus.

The steps we have taken to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak have been effective and are key in helping to keep our campus an infection free zone
COVID-19 Hand Sanitizer Donation

The face of racism and indifference is a reality all too real for many of our Guests in Dallas.
COVID-19 Update from The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center

“We are all in this together and we will emerge from this as a stronger community”
Reality of Sheltering in Place for the Homeless Population

“To keep the homeless population safe, service providers have had to eliminate beds in shelters
Precautions Set in Place Amid COVID-19 Spread in Dallas

The Bridge has implemented 4 key precautionary initiatives to help prevent the spread
The Bridge Seeks Volunteers

The Bridge serves 800 Guests on any given day and is open 24/7 365.