The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day… “A federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces”. We will be about such thoughts and activities on Monday, May 31, 2021.

But many of us will also be remembering those we have lost, family members and friends, even more intensively over the next several days. Memories are often a major experience of honoring and mourning those close to you who you now miss. The Coronavirus and the struggle with acknowledging systemic racism over the last 14 months have brought the notion of memories to the fore for many of us. So, I remind you of the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and her epic work regarding the Five Stages of Grief. If you don’t remember this work, or have never heard about it, please Google the name and topic. You will be smarter today by doing so, and most importantly, you will be better prepared to engage a Guest, or a family member, or understand a personal emotional response to someone special you might be honoring, or mourning, or grieving the loss of over the next few days.

Finally, thank you… That in spite of all that is happening in our environment, you continue to empower adults experiencing homelessness in Dallas with the tools to homeless recovery as they move into sustainable housing makes The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center a warmer home. Your focus on our mission facilitates recovery within each of our Guests. And ultimately, our community is a better place to live. Please be safe this weekend. My best to each of you and your family.

Peace… David

David Woody, III, Ph.D., LCSW-S President and CEO The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center

Do you need help overcoming life's challenges?

We offer Day and Night Shelter

  • Meals, Hygiene, Storage, Laundry, Mail, Phones, Barbershop, and Canine Kennel
  • Physical Care, Mental Illness, Services, and Chemical Dependency Help
  • Care Management and Counseling Services
  • Education, Employment, and Income/Benefits Assistance
  • Housing Placement Solutions and Follow-Up Services
  • Criminal Justice Support, and Veteran Services
  • Library, Computer Access, and Art Programs

To be eligible for services at The Bridge, an individual must be homeless, 18 years of age or older.

Government IDs, background checks, and sobriety checks are not required to engage services at The Bridge. Identification is not a requirement to go through an Intake/Triage Assessment and receive services at The Bridge.

Day Shelter Services
6:00AM – 5:00PM

Night Shelter Services
5:00PM – 6:00AM

Guest Intake
(214) 670-1507

7:30AM to 8:30AM

2:00PM to 1:00PM

6:00PM to 7:00PM